
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dancin' in the Street

I am so stoked about this show. I am reading that this show is jaw dropping! I hope we can all enjoy it while we are on the ship!

I am also seeing a lot about the comedians on the ship. There are four and they all have a different type of show starting with PG all the way to uncensored.

This ship also features a laser light show, not just in one of the, IN THE SKY!! It looks amazing. My understanding is that there will be a special holiday show during our cruise :).

Until next time......

Friday, January 15, 2010

Welcome Family!!

Fellow Christmas Hat Junkies,
It is I, Brandi...I thought this may be a great way we could all communicate and keep up to date for our upcoming CHRISTMAS CRUISE! It will be much easier than emailing back and forth. I will send you an email address that you can email to create posts on the blog. I am super excited and hope you all are too.

I am in the process of gathering some information to post on the blog that will include deck plans, itinerary maps, reviews of the ports and much more. Make sure to add this page to your RSS feeds for updates OR you can just become a follower (which will require a google account) and you will receive emails when updates are posted. I will try to post instructions on the blog for you Mom ;).

Tara, since you are a fellow blogger I hope you will help me keep it up :O). Well, give me a few days and I should have some more info on here for everyone!!